

Bass Book Reviews

Bob Moss - Fishing Dingle and the Third Breaker


By Bob Moss

ISBN:  None

Published by the author

Two reviews in one this time, for good reason.  Bob Moss is an award-winning angler and writer, formerly from Dorset but for 30 years a resident on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry, southwest Ireland.

The area is a shore anglers dream. Being a peninsula, whatever the wind is doing there is always somewhere to fish, and as it’s in the southwest there are some of the finest storm beaches you could possibly imagine. Add to that the estuaries with classical sand bars, coves, piers, rocky fingers, rock ledges and so on, and it’s no wonder this place has been a Mecca for shore anglers since Clive Gammon, Leslie Moncrief and Antony Pearson wrote about it in the 1960s.  But it’s not an easy place to fish, and the weather and sea state can exasperate the most experienced and level-headed of all of us.  Therefore reliable information is one of the keys to success, and I’ve found these two books to be vital in my trips over there since 2000.

'A Guide to Shore Angling on the Dingle Peninsula’ is a cardback book of 52 pages covering 19 venues. It describes the fish and the fishing for each venue, with much on individual marks and features, access, best times & conditions to fish, and areas for collecting bait. I have found this book to be crucial in planning a trip to the area, as well as a handbook in the car when exploring.
‘The Third Breaker’ is a cardback book of 56 pages, being a guide to the rigs, bait, baiting-up, lures and flies the author has found successful for the places mentioned in the previous book. It also advises on the best methods for the various venues and marks. Again most informative, and an ideal companion to the previous book.

Each can be bought separately or as a pair from the author, see his website  email:    address: Bob Moss, Ballydavid, Co. Kerry, Republic of Ireland. The pair currently cost a total of 18 euros plus 4 euros post – Bob will take the UK pounds equivalent by arrangement.  Also available from Landers tackle & outdoor shop in Tralee, Co. Kerry.


Two for the price of one, bargain! I love Ireland and have relatives in Co. Galway, I need to get over there, hopefully next year.
