I love fishing for sole. I love eating sole too! Nothing technical here, old boy boom rigs, short hook lengths and freshwater hooks! Don't expect to catch too many sole with hooks larger than size 1, they have a tiny little mouth. All things said sole are pretty aggressive when the mood takes them, I've had 8oz fish move 5oz of lead. I'm not saying you're likely to get much sport out of them on standard beach gear, but if your lucky enough to be able to find them in slack water I dare say you'd get some sport with a feeder road and an ounce of lead.
- 50lb Daiwa Tournament rig body
- 25lb black amnesia hook length
- Size 6 B940's
- Gemini metal booms (bristles if you prefer)
A very simple rig, sole fishing is usually done within 30 - 50 yards. Most of my sole fishing is done at Southwold or off Lowestoft South pier, particularly where there's razor beds, I think they feed on the small razors. You can get booms that clip up or down these days, but there hardly seems any point when you don't usually need distance when sole fishing. Of course booms do present the bait nicely and make sure it's nailed down completely, I can see the benefit of presenting a bait on booms at distance if your fishing for other types of flat fish. I really like the Gemini booms as they have the clip built into the boom, you can fish this one anyway up, just pull it out of the wallet, clip one end to your leader swivel and a lead to the other end, simple.
- Tie the booms to the rig body.
- Tie the hooks to equal lengths of amnesia and add bait stops. I find the best length to be around 8" finished for sole.
- Tie the hooks to the boom eyes, job jobbed!
Over simple but it does exactly what it should and nothing more. If you can use a pyramid lead or a flat watch type lead you'll probably have better results. I sometimes think the spikes on a lead unsettle flatfish if the hook is fishing near the lead as it is here, I can imagine them getting spooked if they settle on a spike. Unfortunately our local tides tend to have a bit of run in them and the one thing I think is a must for sole is to have the bait nailed down static, so the chances for me to use plain leads are few. I've also noticed that blow lug that's been nicked by the fork works well. It's usually hard and sandy but for some reason the sole like it, you can tip off with rag too if you like.